radical & urgent

The mysterious reality that God dwells in each of us rolls off of our tongues with casual complacency, doesn't it? 

But, if we take a moment to meditate on this truth, it should dictate every word and interaction of our lives — truly the opposite of casual complacency. It should change the way we live, the way we speak, the way we care for others…it should change everything.

Acknowledging this unseen reality that as temples of the Holy Spirit, every human person is a tabernacle of the Divine should evoke an urgent zeal to radically serve one another.

Not too long ago, I read a beautiful article about a young couple. At their wedding, rather than the new husband slip off the new bride's garter, he carried out a bowl and a towel, took off her shoe, and washed her foot. At that moment, on both knees, humbled before her, he was telling her that he would love her, as Christ loves His church. Before his guests, he took time to get on his knees at the greatest party of his life and serve with great humility. This is serving with radical urgency.

As a "pro-life" ministry, much of our content is about love and service because, at its foundation, pro-life work is seeing, loving, and caring for our neighbor. It is a movement of the heart, not a box to check. If we don't see Christ in the homeless man on the park bench and we don't get on our knees to wash the feet of someone who needs it, we don't yet live as we believe.

Affirming the dignity of the human person requires us to ask, Whose feet can we wash? Whose wounds can we salve? Whose prayers can we lift up? Whose offense can we forgive? To whom can we turn the other cheek, give our extra coat, feed, clothe, and visit? Our faith and love must be lived out with an urgent desire to imitate Christ in every moment.

For the next 3 weeks, we will offer you a Pray, Grow, Serve about the Corporal Works of Mercy. They will assist you in teaching your child that because human life is sacred, we are called to urgent and radical care of one another.


the illusion of wealth


impossible forgiveness