Spiritual Adoption
There are approximately 2362 unborn children aborted each day in the United States. All of us can significantly impact the tragedy of abortion through the incredible power of prayer. “Spiritual adoption” of an unborn child and their parents is a profound way to serve your brother and sister in Christ.
Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen suggested a “Spiritual Adoption” for unborn children at risk of being aborted. This “adoption” requires an intentional commitment to pray for 9 months for an unborn child. While spiritual parents will never know the specific child they are praying for, the Lord does! Beautiful graces for mother, father, baby, and their family are received.

Spiritually adopt as a family!
Praying for the unborn is a powerful way for kids to understand that human life is sacred from the start!
Share with your children:
When God creates new life, He entrusts him or her to a mother and a father. He asks both of them to love this new, sacred person with His heart, asking each parent to be an instrument of His loving care and protection. Parenthood is sacred work!
Sometimes parents can feel overwhelmed, especially as they wait for their new baby to be born. They know what an important job parenthood is, and can feel nervous that they will not be able to do the job well.
God desires for each new life to be born into the arms of parents who are open to His grace. Grace is a magnificent gift God gives us that heals, strengthens, and sanctifies us filling us with faith, hope, and love. Faith, hope, and love are the three MOST important gifts parents need to do their job well.
Here is how you can help!
Commit: Commit as a family to pray for a mom, dad, and unborn baby in need of prayer!
Pray: Help your child write out this prayer, and remember to have them decorate the paper. Place it somewhere in your home where everyone will see it and pray daily. (Consider placing it near their toothbrush before or after they brush their teeth, you can recite the prayer together! The key is making it a part of the daily rhythm.)
Grow: Show your child how an unborn baby develops in utero. Watch the video below about how a baby grows in the womb and download our Spiritual Adoption Bundle with an Exploring the Development of an Unborn Baby guide.
Serve: Serve your family by being a good example! Invite your family members to pray this prayer too. Consider praying this prayer every night together or before you head to school or work!
Hope: Know that your prayers are heard and God delights in your faith and love!
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. Please wrap your loving arms around the parents and unborn baby I have spiritually adopted. Please protect them and fill them with your gifts of faith, hope, and love. Amen.
I pledge to joyfully reawaken a culture of life in my domestic church!
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