Some thoughts…
Our weekly blog are thoughts that share 1) the truth of God’s love, 2) the sanctity of human life, and 3) the beauty of God entrusting us to one another. Each blog is written for an adult audience (although older teens could benefit too), and at the end of each blog is a free PDF download parents and parishes can use as a resource for elementary-age children. If you find value in our work, please share it!
my brother’s keeper
This Fourth of July week, in light of this recent trip to the museum, I have found myself meditating over what it means to be "our brother's keeper"—to truly live you before me.
becoming Real
If we consider this discourse about becoming "real" as an allegory for growing in holiness, the lovely words take on an entirely new meaning. Conforming our hearts to the heart of Christ is the journey of life, the purpose of our existence - the transformation of love for which we were created.
power in weakness
I think about this painting every time we read this Sunday’s Gospel. Just like the storms in my life, my eye immediately moves to the space of panic, chaos, and fear while Jesus fades to the periphery. Rembrandt’s use of light highlights this human weakness—our tendency to quickly forget the presence of God before us.
a pro-life man
It is a dangerous world out there friends and neighbors, and it does not appear that the 21st Century is going to be kinder or safer anytime soon. It is even less secure for those in the Pro-Life movement, especially men and especially Catholic men.
because it’s hard
Recently, I saw an article entitled, Life is Hard, Jesus Doesn't Make it any Easier...Yup. Following Jesus isn't easy. So few of us live like we believe, and even fewer risk like we believe – because it’s hard.
unless we believe…
Each Sunday, on our knees, we hear Christ's words: "This is my body which will be given for you; do this in memory of me." Before our eyes, a miracle beyond our comprehension takes place—His Body and Blood are before us, ready to restore us to new life.
I pledge to joyfully reawaken a culture of life in my domestic church!
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