Day 22

And she cried out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Luke 1:42

Mary is our wonderful, Blessed Mother! Mary was born without sin. She made good choices, thought charitable thoughts, loved God, and never failed to do what she ought her entire life! When Mary was young, the angel Gabriel came to her and told her that she would have a Son named Jesus. Mary responded to Gabriel that she was ready to do whatever God asked of her. This was called her “fiat” or “yes” to God! 

It was Mary’s “yes” that brought Jesus into the world. After 9 months of pregnancy and a long trip on a donkey because of a census, Mary went into labor in Bethlehem. Joseph looked for a place to stay at a nearby inn, but there were no rooms available. The innkeeper told Mary and Joseph they could stay in the stable. So they did! 

Mary gave birth to Jesus — the long-awaited Messiah while surrounded by animals and hay. She was filled with joy to see baby Jesus’s beautiful face. She held Him close, kissed His little cheeks, and prayed to God, thanking Him for the gift of her Son and Savior, Jesus Christ! The most wonderful part of Mary being Jesus’s mother is that He made Mary our mother, too! She takes each of us by the hand and leads us closer to her Son, Jesus. 

God made each of us with a divine purpose; Mary’s story challenges us to give our own “fiat” or “yes” to what God is asking of us.

The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. Luke 1:49

I pledge to joyfully reawaken a culture of life in my domestic church!

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