October 22
Social Media Shakedown!
Have you ever heard the saying, "You are what you eat?" There is an important truth to this statement! Spending a month eating nothing but pizza and candy will leave our bodies tired and unhealthy. Eating veggies and protein will give us what our bodies need to be strong and healthy. As Catholics, consuming the Eucharist helps our hearts to conform to Christ. The more we consume the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus, the more like Him we become!
Similarly, we become a reflection of the media we consume. Don't believe me? Consider that the platforms we scroll through are even called a "feed!" If we consume negative messaging on social media that denies the dignity of the human person, rejects God, and embraces hateful rhetoric, we will soon start thinking, speaking, and acting in the same way.
The things we consume do change us.
At The Pelican Project, we think the most important thing we can do for generations is awaken a LIFE culture! Consuming messages that honor the dignity of the human person, respect the sanctity of life, and proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior will create change in our hearts, homes, and communities!
Download this guide for 5 steps to eliminate messages in your social media feed that do not glorify God, do not respect the dignity of the human person, and do not encourage you to live in faith, hope, and love.
I pledge to joyfully reawaken a culture of life in my domestic church!
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