The Nest
From our nest to yours, this weekly blog shares the truth of God’s love, the sanctity of human life, and the beauty of God entrusting us to one another.
opening my marriage.
Every one of us is called to live out the spousal love of marriage. Sometimes this looks like uniting ourselves intimately and exclusively with Christ, often it means man and woman entering into a sacramental marriage together with God.
Our Scars
There we stood before an image of Mary called the Black Madonna. I sank to my knees and recounted the legend of this mysteriously warm and weathered painting. Her eyes gazed upon me as I meditated on Saint Luke's steady hand, brushing her image onto this piece of wood that served as the tabletop in the Holy Family's home
A Mother and 2 Sons on Either Side of a War
Mary's greatest desire is to help us draw closer to her precious Son; her love for Him is overwhelming.
I struggle with the Rosary.
I have always struggled with saying the Rosary. My mind wanders… How do I keep focus?
Down Syndrome & Dr. Jerome Lejeune
This week, we are introducing your children to the pediatrician and geneticist who discovered the cause of Down syndrome.
Olympic Sacrilege
If you watched the very long opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics, you are aware that Christianity was more than the butt of jokes; it was mocked and spat upon. Sacrilege.
Why does God desire our praise?…
“My journey back to faith was a long, meandering road with a few stumbling blocks that took me time to move past. It made good sense that there was a God; however, I didn't understand what kind of God He was — a God who desired our praise caused me to be suspicious….”
Unexpected Blessings
Most often you will hear Kelly and I talk about all of the ways in which we must give to life-affirming work. It can sometimes seem daunting. This work can be exhausting, at times, both mentally and physically. Today, however, I want to share with you some of the gifts that pro-life ministry has given to me over the years.
my brother’s keeper
This Fourth of July week, in light of this recent trip to the museum, I have found myself meditating over what it means to be "our brother's keeper"—to truly live you before me.
becoming Real
If we consider this discourse about becoming "real" as an allegory for growing in holiness, the lovely words take on an entirely new meaning. Conforming our hearts to the heart of Christ is the journey of life, the purpose of our existence - the transformation of love for which we were created.
power in weakness
I think about this painting every time we read this Sunday’s Gospel. Just like the storms in my life, my eye immediately moves to the space of panic, chaos, and fear while Jesus fades to the periphery. Rembrandt’s use of light highlights this human weakness—our tendency to quickly forget the presence of God before us.
a pro-life man
It is a dangerous world out there friends and neighbors, and it does not appear that the 21st Century is going to be kinder or safer anytime soon. It is even less secure for those in the Pro-Life movement, especially men and especially Catholic men.
because it’s hard
Recently, I saw an article entitled, Life is Hard, Jesus Doesn't Make it any Easier...Yup. Following Jesus isn't easy. So few of us live like we believe, and even fewer risk like we believe – because it’s hard.
unless we believe…
Each Sunday, on our knees, we hear Christ's words: "This is my body which will be given for you; do this in memory of me." Before our eyes, a miracle beyond our comprehension takes place—His Body and Blood are before us, ready to restore us to new life.
the dream of being a homemaker
Usually, at the Pelican Project, we sidestep the day's headlines and stick with the fundamentals. I choose to do this because, with four kids and a day job, I can hardly tackle pop culture as it pops. However, the impact of Harrison Butker's speech at Benedictine College is significant, and on this Pentecost Sunday, I’d like to comment on one part of his speech.
the left piece of tape
“This is what we do for the kids.” They said, “Abstinence and promiscuity.” They went on to explain that this exercise was to show kids what’s happening to their bodies when they have premarital sex
eyeball to eyeball
Racism is a conversation that has taken center stage in today's culture and has a necessary place in the work of renewing a culture of life. Protecting those who are vulnerable to the hateful and evil actions of others based on the color of their skin is a fundamental and necessary exercise in protecting the dignity of the human person.
The Church’s plan for LIFE
I can promise that when you're answering your child's question about who God created them to be…When they are unsure of the body they are in, or why they are worthy of unconditional love. You will want an answer to their inevitable question, "But why?..
accepting His gift
A garden is created by a gardener for a purpose—seeds are planted to someday flourish. For this garden, the seeds are gifts, talents, and virtue and the Gardener, is our Lord.
You are the right person for today.
As much as I have romantic ideas of living back in the 1830s and making shortcakes on a colonial farm, God wanted me for a different time. You and me — He chose us for today.
I pledge to joyfully reawaken a culture of life in my domestic church!
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