Seasons of New Life

As seasons of new life, Advent and Christmas calls us to meditate on the Blessed Mother’s final days of pregnancy and on our Lord Jesus Christ as an unborn Child. Over these next few days, meditate on the Incarnation by walking alongside a pregnant Mary. Pray with her as her swollen belly tightens around the tiny, divine person of Christ, as her pace slows with the weight of our Savior within her womb, and as her heart increases with anticipation to finally see Christ's beautiful face.

Just as Christ sanctified the waters of Baptism by His very participation in the River Jordan, so too did our Lord, by entering into humanity through the womb of a woman, sanctify both the dwelling place of the unborn and the family that receives new life.

Today, teach your child about Mary, the Mother of God by downloading the Pray, Grow, and Serve below!

For those of you not following The Jesse Tree, I wish you a blessed and peace-filled Christmas. Thank you for being a part of The Pelican Project family. …And if you’re following along with our Jesse Tree I will see you tomorrow for the story of Joseph.

You are in my prayers, please keep me in yours,



A God Wink.


Why did Jesus become small?