Fishers of Men
The Pelican Project’s mission is to joyfully reawaken a culture of LIFE by supporting parents in the holy (and necessary!) work of teaching their children about the dignity of human life.
How is this done?
We plant seeds of faith within the hearts of our children. Over time, if we nourish the soil of their souls, these seeds will grow deep roots into the Body of Christ. As members of His Body, we form disciples by encountering the Living Word of God in the day-to-day of family life, and we participate in God’s salvific mission by honoring the dignity of the human person and celebrating God’s gift of LIFE—both this life and the next.
In short: Plant seeds. Grow deep roots. Form disciples. Celebrate LIFE!
With this week’s Pray, Grow, and Serve Devotional, focus on the importance of discipleship in life-affirming work by talking with your child about Christ’s invitation to be “fishers of men!”