Listen to Him

Today's Gospel shares with us the incredible story of the Transfiguration and the sure words of God the Father, "This is my beloved Son, listen to Him." Here, God tells us to do something significant—it is more than a superficial, passing command. In the silence and vulnerability of our hearts, we are being asked to seriously obey God's command to listen to Him—We are being asked to trust our Father enough to let Him transform our lives. Read this week’s Unvarnished Canvas reflection to explore the relationship between our earthly father and Heavenly Father.

God the Father commands us to obey His Son. In His perfect wisdom, He gives us our Mother Mary who desires to help us keep this command. She kneels beside us, prays with us, and walks in the details of our lives, always pointing us to her Son, who is the way, the truth, and the life.

As we walk through this desert of Lent, we must remember that our Heavenly Father knows the power of a mother. A mother gently takes us by the hand and guides us back to safety and truth when we falter. In our motherhood, let us pray for Our Lady's guidance as we disciple our own children to the heart of Jesus. Sweet mother, help us to take our little ones by the hand and lead them to the safety and truth of your Son.

Take time praying over the relationship with your father this week. How did He radiate God’s love? Did he cause you wounds? If so, have you sought healing? Does your relationship with your father affect your view of God the Father? Remember, nourishing your spiritual life is an important part of serving your domestic church.

Pray, Grow, and Serve with your children using this week’s devotional.


Uncomfortable Conversations


I am His and He is mine