I am His and He is mine

A few years ago standing on the top of a mountain, I was given a beautiful grace of clarity that I am, not because I am needed, but because I am wanted by God. Like the man born blind whose sight was restored by the hand of Jesus, after God blessed me with the eyes to see my dignity, I felt Him asking, Do you believe in me?... "I do believe, Lord," my heart answered.

In that moment, my heart knew that I was His work of art. From the dust of the earth and His breath, He brought me forth, body and soul. While I am small, sinful, and insignificant, He gives me dignity and purpose because of His radical love; I am His beloved masterpiece. He adorned me with freckles and desires the canvas of my soul. I am loved. I am wanted. I am His, and He is mine.

Have you ever come upon a group of people looking up? You instinctively look up too, don't you? If we live a life with our gaze fixed on the Lord, those around us start to lift their gaze too.

This week focus on your gaze as you care for the world around you. Do your children see you living in sadness and despair or resting in the gaze of our victorious Savior? Does your spouse see your eyes fixed on the worldly or the eternal? Do your coworkers and friends instinctually lift their gaze towards hope and love when they are around you?

Don’t forget to sit with your kiddo with this week’s Pray, Grow, and Serve devotional!


Listen to Him


Where Is Your Well?