the miracle of the Mass
This week we are talking about the "Miracle of the Mass." Each Sunday, on our knees, we hear the words of Christ: "This is my body which will be given for you," and before our eyes, a miracle beyond our comprehension takes place—His Body and Blood is before us, ready to restore us to new life.
Why are we talking about this today? Well, in a recent Pew study, we learned that only 30% of Catholics believe in the Real Presence of the Eucharist. Poor catechesis, a raging spiritual battle, spiritual sloth, sin… Some, maybe all of these reasons are to blame; however, we fear there is a direct correlation between a lack of faith in the Eucharist and an overwhelming rejection of the dignity of the human person in today's culture. Why? Because if we are to believe that God gave us the gift of Himself in this very real, tangible, and sacrificial way, then we must believe that 1.) we're worth it (only because He says we are) and 2.) that we need Him.
What do we mean?
We're worth it.
Can we ever be worthy of God? No, not on our own merit… We're sinful and lacking. However, we know that God made man different from the rest of creation; He set the human person aside from all other creatures to spend eternal life with Him. Because of this, our life is sacred, we have dignity, we are worthy simply because He says so. At Mass, when we hear the words, "This is my Body…" we must believe that He loves us enough to give us this gift! If we believe this, then what are the implications of God’s love for our worth? Dignity? The sacredness of our life and that of our neighbor?
We need Him
It requires humility to acknowledge we need a Savior. If we need a Savior, we cannot be our own Savior. At Mass when we hear the words, "…This is my Body given up for you…" we can dismiss our need for this gift or fervently pray for the gift of faith and receive Him with the understanding that He is the author of each breath we take and the narrow gate to eternal life. If we need God, we must be accountable to His Word. What does this mean? That we must love what He loves—we must love one another according to His command.
Abortion, euthanasia, rejecting His plan for life and love in marriage, denying our creation in His image and likeness through gender ideology, playing God through the eugenic culture of IVF, and everything else that challenges the dignity of the human person and places ourselves on a godly pedestal is a rejection of Him — Body. Blood. Soul. And Divinity.
If you are to reawaken a culture of life in your domestic church, renew your devotion to the Eucharist. Receive Him worthily. Adore Him as Lord and Savior. And, teach your child they are worthy because He says so.